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Sunday 10 July 2011

Terrafugia flying car approved for roads

Talk about a way to beat traffic

Terrafugia flying car Actually, you won't be able to take off out of gridlock in Terrafugia's flying car, but at least you'll be able to drive it on roads to the nearest airport. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently granted special exemptions for the Transition "roadable aircraft."
The exemptions clear the way for shipping to begin from Terrafugia's Massachusetts plant following testing. The flying car is slated to enter production this year, with shipping in 2012.
(Credit: Terrafugia)

The NHTSA stipulations involve the type of tires and windscreen the Transition will use as a land vehicle. The tires are rated for highway speeds and the windshield will be made of polycarbonate materials instead of automotive safety glass to save weight and prevent shattering in a bird strike.

Iola Car Show underway this weekend

39 years of Iola never looked so good. There's never a dull paint job and the show is never a disappointment. If you ask anyone at the show, they'll tell you the hottest ticket is under the Theme Tent. Only 45 cars make it inside. Qualifying takes pre registration with pictures. Even if your vehicle is accepted it doesn't mean it'll actually get under this tent.

Ronald Stock inherited his love of cars and his 1930 Dodge Rumble Bee Coup from his father. He's been coming to the show since 1968. And this year, an invitation from organizers to show the wire wheeled car under the Theme Tent.

Monday 4 July 2011

Toyota Fine-N : 4W Vehicle Stability Control

4W Vehicle Stability ControlThe system automatically coordinates the steering, brake and gas to provide independent control of the four wheels. The result is increased ability to veer dramatically

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